

Bulletin for December 25, 2022


This is the final bulletin that has a Christmas theme.  I appreciate the comments that you have made in regard to this series of bulletins.


As A BONUS: I have a reprint of a bulletin article I wrote in 2004 entitled, “Christ Never WAS In Christmas”  It is a 6-page document based on a bible study that I had with the Church in New Smyrna Beach, FL. This is available at no charge.  I will send this article to anyone interested in digging deeper into the Christmas Season.  Maybe you will find some different insights or something that you will find worth sharing.

 Sunday is the Lord’s Day.  This is the day we celebrate the birth, life, death & resurrection or our Lord and Savior. All Christians do this EVERY Lord’s day. No single day takes precedence over the others.

Lord willing, we will all gather at the assembly where we will have an uncommon supper that means so much to those who appreciate everything that God has done for us.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

God bless,



Do Unto Others AS You Would Have Done To You