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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/27/24 TNTC - Lesson 8: The Authority of the Church (part 3) Bill Simmons Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_8_-_The_Authority_of_the_Church-1711579930.pdf
03/24/24 Who is God? Micah Phillips Sermon Guest Preachers Sun PM Worship
03/24/24 No Substitutes Accepted Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship No_Substitutes_Accepted_-_Scripture_References.docx No_Substitutes_Accepted.pptx
03/24/24 TNTC - Lesson 8: The Authority of the Church (part 2) Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_8_-_The_Authority_of_the_Church-1711285055.pdf
03/20/24 TNTC - Lesson 8: The Authority of the Church Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_8_-_The_Authority_of_the_Church.pdf
03/17/24 Resurrection Misconceptions Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship Resurrection_Misconceptions_-_Scripture_References.docx Resurrection_Misconceptions.pptx
03/17/24 Easter Celebrations Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Easter_Celebrations.pptx Easter_Celebrations_-_Handout.docx
03/17/24 TNTC - Lesson 7: The Origin of the Church (part 4) Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_7_-_The_Origin_of_the_Church-1710679930.pdf
03/13/24 TNTC - Lesson 7: The Origin of the Church (part 3) Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_7_-_The_Origin_of_the_Church-1710370906.pdf
03/10/24 My Lord and My God Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship My_Lord_And_My_God-Scripture_Handout.docx My_Lord_and_My_God.pptx
03/10/24 Putting the Lord's Prayer into Context Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Putting_The_Lords_Prayer_into_Context_-_Scripture_breakdown.docx Putting_The_Lords_Prayer_into_Context.pptx
03/10/24 TNTC - Lesson 7: The Origin of the Church (part 2) Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_7_-_The_Origin_of_the_Church-1710075872.pdf
03/06/24 TNTC - Lesson 7: The Origin of the Church Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_7_-_The_Origin_of_the_Church.pdf
03/03/24 SPIRIT of Worship Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun PM Worship SPIRIT_of_Worship_-_Scripture_references.docx SPIRIT_of_Worship.pptx
03/03/24 TNTC - Lesson 6 - The Vineyard of the Lord (Part 4- Questions) Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_6_-_The_Vineyard_of_the_Lord.pdf
03/03/24 Restoring the Church that Jesus Built Bill McIlvain Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship Restoring_the_Church_that_Jesus_Built_-_scripture_references.docx Restoring_the_Church_that_Jesus_Built.pptx
02/28/24 TNTC - Lesson 6: The Vineyard of the Lord (part 3) Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_6_-_The_Vineyard_of_the_Lord-1709167562.pdf
02/25/24 A Tale of Two Goats: The Body and the Blood Andy Fuller Sermon Guest Preachers Sun PM Worship A_Tale_of_Two_Goats.docx
02/25/24 A Disciple's Speech Ben Wofford Sermon Guest Preachers Sun AM Worship A_Disciples_Speech.pptx A_Disciples_Speech.pdf
02/25/24 TNTC - Lesson 6: The Vineyard of the Lord (part 2) Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_6_-_The_Vineyard_of_the_Lord-1708870121.pdf
02/21/24 TNTC - Lesson 6: The Vineyard of the Lord Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_6_-_The_Vineyard_of_the_Lord.pdf
02/18/24 The Lord’s Prayer – Meaning, Application, and Significance Darryl Griffing Sermon Guest Preachers Sun PM Worship The_Lord_s_Prayer_Handout.docx
02/18/24 TNTC - Lesson 5: The Temple of God (part 3) Buck Phillips Sermon The New Testament Church Sun Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_5_-_The_Temple_of_God-1708264868.pdf
02/18/24 Praise for the LORD's Mercies, Psalm 103 Russ Sollars Sermon Guest Preachers Sun AM Worship Sollars_AM_lesson_Psalm_103_PDF.pdf
02/14/24 TNTC - Lesson 5: The Temple of God (part 2) Bill McIlvain Sermon The New Testament Church Wed Bible Study NT_Church_-_Lesson_5_-_The_Temple_of_God-1707693314.pdf

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